SET 39 Call For Papers

¿Eres un hacker? Si deseas pasar a formar parte de la historia del hacking hispano, colabora con la próxima edición de SET 39 enviándonos un artículo. No esperes más, esta es tu oportunidad de demostrar lo que sabes. Ayúdanos a construir una revista de hackers para hackers. SET Staff

Indice de la revista Phrack #32-39


Autor: SET Staff
o 05. INDICE DE LA REVISTA PHRACK #32-39                                    o

Bueno aqui teneis la ultima entrega de indices de la Phrack. Espero que
os haya sido de utilidad, a mi desde luego me ha facilitado mucho la
vida, ya que no tengo que andar buscando el numero de la Phrack donde
estaba aquel articulo tan interesante y que me cuesta tanto encontrar. 

En el proximo numero empezaremos con otras publicaciones en ingles, tambien
muy buenas como son la Cotno, la FEH y algunas mas. (Aceptamos peticiones
y comentarios)
                        Phrack XXXII Table of Contents
  1.  Phrack Classic XXXII Index by Crimson Death
  2.  Phrack Classic Spotlight featuring Knight Lightning by Crimson Death
  3.  Concerning Hackers Who Break Into Computer Systems by Dorthy Denning
  4.  The Art of Investigation by Butler
  5.  Unix 'Nasties' by Sir Hackalot
  6.  Automatic Teller Machine Cards by Jester Sluggo
  7.  A Trip to the NCSC by Knight Lightning
  8.  Inside the SYSUAF.DAT File by Pain Hertz
  9.  RSTS by Crimson Death
  10-12.  Knight Line I/Parts 1-3 by Doc Holiday

                        Phrack XXXIII Table of Contents

 1. Introduction to Phrack 33 by Knight Lightning and Dispater
 2. Phrack Profile of Shooting Shark by Crimson Death
 3. A Hacker's Guide to the Internet by The Gatsby
 4. FEDIX On-Line Information Service by Fedix Upix
 5. LATA Referance List by Infinite Loop
 6. International Toll Free Code List by The Trunk Terminator
 7. Phreaking in Germany by Ninja Master
 8. TCP/IP: A Tutorial Part 1 of 2 by The Not
 9. A REAL Functioning RED BOX Schematic by J.R."Bob" Dobbs
10. Phrack World News Special Edition IV (CyberView '91) by Bruce Sterling
11. PWN/Part01 by Crimson Death
12. PWN/Part02 by Dispater
13. PWN/Part03 by Dispater

                        Phrack XXXIV  Table of Contents

 1. Introduction to Phrack 34 by Crimson Death & Dispater
 2. Phrack Loopback by The Phrack Staff
 3. Phrack Prophile of The Disk Jockey by The Disk Jockey & Dispater
 4. The AT&T Mail Gateway by Robert Alien
 5. The Complete Guide to Hacking WWIV by Inhuman
 6. Hacking Voice Mail Systems by Night Ranger
 7. An Introduction to MILNET by Brigadier General Swipe
 8. TCP/IP: A Tutorial Part 2 of 2 by The Not
 9. Advanced Modem-Oriented BBS Security by Laughing Gas & Dead Cow
10. PWN/Part01 by Dispater
11. PWN/Part02 by Dispater

                         Phrack XXXV Table of Contents

 1. Introduction to Phrack 34 by Crimson Death and Dispater
 2. Phrack Loopback by Phrack Staff
 3. Phrack Profile of Chris Goggans by S. Leonard Spitz
 4. Telenet/Sprintnet's PC Pursuit Outdial Directory by Amadeus
 5. Sting Operations by Sovereign Immunity
 6. Social Security Numbers & Privacy by Chris Hibbert of CPSR
 7. Users Guide to VAX/VMS Part 1 of 3 by Black Kat
 8. A Beginners Guide to Novell Netware 386 by The Butler
 9. Auto-Answer It by Twisted Pair
10. PWN/Part 1 by Dispater
11. PWN/Part 2 by Dispater
12. PWN/Part 3 by Dispater
13. PWN/Part 4 by Dispater

                        Phrack XXXVI Table of Contents

 1.  Introduction to Diet Phrack (Phrack 36) by Compaq Disk and Dr. Dude
 2.  Diet Phrack Loopback by Phrack Staff
 3.  In Living Computer starring Knight Lightning
 4.  The History ah MOD by Wing Ding
 5.  *ELITE* Access by Dead Lord and Lord Digital (Lords Anonymous!)
 6.  The Legion of Doom & The Occult by Legion of Doom and Demon Seed Elite
 7.  Searching for speciAl acceSs agentS by Dr. Dude
 8.  Phreaks in Verse II by Homey the Hacker
 9.  Real Cyberpunks by The Men from Mongo
10.  Elite World News by Dr. Dude
11.  Elite World News by Dr. Dude

                         Phrack XXXVII Table Of Contents 

 1. Introduction by Dispater                                                08K
 2. Phrack Loopback by Phrack Staff                                         15K
 3. Pirate's Cove by Rambone                                                08K
 4. Exploring Information-America by The Omega & White Knight               51K
 5. Beating The Radar Rap Part 1 of 2 by Dispater                           44K
 6  Card-O-Rama: Magnetic Stripe Technology and Beyond by Count Zero        44K
 7. Users Guide to VAX/VMS Part 2 of 3 by Black Kat                         25K
 8. Basic Commands for the VOS System by Dr. No-Good                        10K
 9. The CompuServe Case by Electronic Frontier Foundation                   06K
10. PWN Special Report VI on WeenieFest '92 by Count Zero                   14K
11. PWN/Part 1 by Dispater and Spirit Walker                                31K
12. PWN/Part 2 by Dispater and Spirit Walker                                30K
13. PWN/Part 3 by Dispater and Spirit Walker                                29K
14. PWN/Part 4 by Dispater and Spirit Walker                                31K

                         Phrack XXXVIII Table Of Contents 
 1. Introduction by Dispater                                                06K
 2. Phrack Loopback by Phrack Staff                                         12K
 3. Phrack Pro-Phile on Aristotle by Dispater                               06K
 4. Pirates' Cove by Rambone                                                23K
 5. Network Miscellany IV by Datastream Cowboy                              30K
 6. Beating The Radar Rap Part 2 of 2 by Dispater                           15K
 7. Users Guide to VAX/VMS Part 3 of 3 by Black Kat                         46K
 8. Wide Area Information Services by Mycroft                               11K
 9. Cellular Telephony by Brian Oblivion                                    28K
10. Standing Up To Fight The Bells by Knight Lightning                      27K
11. The Digital Telephony Proposal by the Federal Bureau of Investigation   34K
12. PWN Special Report VI on CFP-2 by Max Nomad                             18K
13. PWN/Part 1 by Dispater and Datastream Cowboy                            34K
14. PWN/Part 2 by Dispater and Datastream Cowboy                            32K
15. PWN/Part 3 by Dispater and Datastream Cowboy                            33K
                         Phrack XXXIX Table Of Contents 

 1. Introduction by Dispater and Phrack Staff                              12K
 2. Phrack Loopback by Phrack Staff                                        24K
 3. Phrack Pro-Phile on Shadow Hawk 1 by Dispater                           8K
 4. Network Miscellany V by Datastream Cowboy                              34K
 5. DIALOG Information Network by Brian Oblivion                           43K
 6  Centigram Voice Mail System Consoles by >Unknown User<                 36K
 7. Special Area Codes II by Bill Huttig                                   17K
 8. Air Fone Frequencies by Leroy Donnelly                                 14K
 9. The Open Barn Door by Douglas Waller (Newsweek)                        11K
10. PWN/Part 1 by Datastream Cowboy                                        30K
11. PWN/Part 2 by Datastream Cowboy                                        27K
12. PWN/Part 3 by Datastream Cowboy                                        29K
13. PWN/Part 4 by Datastream Cowboy                                        29K

Por fin se acabo este rollo. En el proximo numero, ya empezaremos a
tratar el tema de las publicaciones en ingles, mas en serio.