SET 39 Call For Papers

¿Eres un hacker? Si deseas pasar a formar parte de la historia del hacking hispano, colabora con la próxima edición de SET 39 enviándonos un artículo. No esperes más, esta es tu oportunidad de demostrar lo que sabes. Ayúdanos a construir una revista de hackers para hackers. SET Staff

Fuentes Extract


Autor: SET Staff
-[ 0x12 ]--------------------------------------------------------------------
-[ SET-EXT ]-----------------------------------------------------------------
-[ by SET Staff ]-----------------------------------------------------SET-18-

Habiamos prometido una sorpresa referente al programa de extraccion para este
numero, pero por multiples causas (demasiadas obligaciones), me es imposible
tenerla a tiempo... Una pena

Pero por el momento podeis seguir usando las versiones de toda la vida, como
la que se incluye aqui, o las que podeis encontrar en Phrack.

Eso si, la sorpresa sigue en pie. Me gustaria un monton tenerla lista para
SET 19, pero no voy a prometer nada, que luego no puedo cumplir y me jode.

Aqui teneis el habitual codigo fuente en C. Para versiones en otros
lenguajes, cogedlas de la Phrack.

<++> utils/extract2.c
/*  extract.c by Phrack Staff and sirsyko 
 *  (c) Phrack Magazine, 1997 
 *      1.8.98 rewritten by route:
 *          - aesthetics
 *          - now accepts file globs
 *      todo:
 *          - more info in tag header (file mode, checksum)
 *  Extracts textfiles from a specially tagged flatfile into a hierarchical 
 *  directory strcuture.  Use to extract source code from any of the articles 
 *  in Phrack Magazine (first appeared in Phrack 50).
 *  gcc -o extract extract.c
 *  ./extract file1 file2 file3 ...

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <dirent.h>

#define BEGIN_TAG   "<++> "
#define END_TAG     "<-->"
#define BT_SIZE     strlen(BEGIN_TAG)
#define ET_SIZE     strlen(END_TAG)

struct f_name
    u_char name[256];
    struct f_name *next;

main(int argc, char **argv)
    u_char b[256], *bp, *fn;
    int i, j = 0;
    FILE *in_p, *out_p = NULL; 
    struct f_name *fn_p = NULL, *head = NULL; 

    if (argc < 2)
        printf("Usage: %s file1 file2 ... filen\n", argv[0]);

     *  Fill the f_name list with all the files on the commandline (ignoring
     *  argv[0] which is this executable).  This includes globs.
    for (i = 1; (fn = argv[i++]); )
        if (!head)
            if (!(head = (struct f_name *)malloc(sizeof(struct f_name))))
            strncpy(head->name, fn, sizeof(head->name));
            head->next = NULL;
            fn_p = head;
            if (!(fn_p->next = (struct f_name *)malloc(sizeof(struct f_name))))
            fn_p = fn_p->next;
            strncpy(fn_p->name, fn, sizeof(fn_p->name));
            fn_p->next = NULL;
     *  Sentry node.
    if (!(fn_p->next = (struct f_name *)malloc(sizeof(struct f_name))))
    fn_p = fn_p->next;
    fn_p->next = NULL;

     *  Check each file in the f_name list for extraction tags.
    for (fn_p = head; fn_p->next; fn_p = fn_p->next)
        if (!(in_p = fopen(fn_p->name, "r")))
            fprintf(stderr, "Could not open input file %s.\n", fn_p->name);
        else fprintf(stderr, "Opened %s\n", fn_p->name);
        while (fgets(b, 256, in_p))
            if (!strncmp (b, BEGIN_TAG, BT_SIZE))
	        b[strlen(b) - 1] = 0;           /* Now we have a string. */

                if ((bp = strchr(b + BT_SIZE + 1, '/')))
                    while (bp)
		        *bp = 0;
		        mkdir(b + BT_SIZE, 0700); 
		        *bp = '/';
		        bp = strchr(bp + 1, '/'); 
                if ((out_p = fopen(b + BT_SIZE, "w")))
                    printf("- Extracting %s\n", b + BT_SIZE);
		    printf("Could not extract '%s'.\n", b + BT_SIZE);
            else if (!strncmp (b, END_TAG, ET_SIZE))
	        if (out_p) fclose(out_p);
	            fprintf(stderr, "Error closing file %s.\n", fn_p->name);
            else if (out_p)
                fputs(b, out_p);
    if (!j) printf("No extraction tags found in list.\n");
    else printf("Extracted %d file(s).\n", j);
    return (0);

/* EOF */